
2009년 1월 8일 목요일

grain, ingrained

[1] grain (n)
  • 3(a). A relatively small discrete particulate or crystalline mass: a grain of sand.
  • 8. The pattern produced, as in stone, by the arrangement of particulate constituents.
  • 12. A state of fine crystallization.
  • 13(a). Basic temperament or nature; disposition. (b). An essential quality or characteristic.
[2] ingrained (adj)
  • 1. Firmly established; deep-seated: ingrained prejudice; the ingrained habits of a lifetime.
  • 2. Worked deeply into the texture or fiber: a carpet disfigured by ingrained dirt.
[3] ingrained (adj)
  • (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held;
    "deep-rooted prejudice";
    "deep-seated differences of opinion";
    "implanted convictions";
    "ingrained habits of a lifetime";
    "a deeply planted need" 
  • (Syn) deep-rooted, deep-seated, implanted, planted
[4] ingrain (vt)
  • 1. To fix deeply or indelibly, as in the mind: "A system that had been ingrained for generations could not be easily undone by change from the top" Doris Kearns Goodwin.
... Am Heritage, WordNet 3.0

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