
2008년 10월 1일 수요일

What if I want to work more than 16 hours a week? : Government support programmes for the self-employed in the UK (May 2003)

자료: Government support programmes for the self-employed in the UK (May 2003)

By Aaron Barbour
Social Enterprise Zone (SEZ)
Community Links
London, UK. www.community-links.org
Community Links Trust Ltd. – a charity registered in England.

※ 메모:

‘Income Disregard’ whilst receiving benefits

22. The benefit disregard is the amount of earnings benefit recipients can retain in addition to their benefit income. The disregard ranges from £5 for an individual and £20 for a married couple.

즉, "benefit disregard"는 복지수급자가 복지급여를 받으면서 추가로 소득을 벌 때 복지수급권이 그대로 인정되는 금액, 즉 "무시해도 좋은 추가 소득"을 뜻하는 말이겠다.

23. The disregard has not been increased for more than 20 years and provides no incentive for those who wish to start a business, particularly for those that aren’t eligible to access a government programme and still want the safety net that regular benefit income provides.

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