
2008년 9월 4일 목요일

A Foolproof Tax Plan


3. Make that one form of taxation a national sales tax.

Think about it: if you approached someone on the street and asked him how much he earned per year, what would the probable response be? Most of us know: he would refuse to answer and state that it was personal information – he would say in essence “none of your business.” Yet, when people operating within the context of the government agency called the IRS ask us the very same question, we obediently provide that information and much, much more. We not only tell them how much we make but also how we make it, what we spent much of it on, and whatever other details our feudal lords require us to divulge. The truth is that we should tell those in government the same thing we’d be told on the street: none of your business – because it isn’t their business. The income tax as it is now constituted is coercively intrusive and therefore is an affront to the principles of freedom.
Another positive benefit of eliminating the income tax is that the withholding tax would also become a thing of the past. Established in 1943 to help finance WW II [it ended, didn’t it?], this tax serves a similar purpose to that of hidden taxes, in that it diminishes people’s awareness of and resistance to taxation. Politicians know this; they know that this incremental, stealthy removal of resources changes people’s perspective because they never have possession of this withheld money – they never see it. It’s “out of sight out of mind.” Consequently, not only don’t most people protest this excessive confiscation of their wealth, but many are actually happy when they get their refund checks from this robber baron government. But, you can rest assured, if Americans instead had to write the government a large, one lump sum check on April 15th, their tune would change markedly. A little sidenote here: the income tax is also contrary to the original intent of the founders of this nation and was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court at the end of the 19th century. Only the 16th Amendment, ratified in 1913, legalized this un-American practice and made it a fixture in the American landscape.
Now, contrast a national sales tax model with the sad state of affairs outlined above. You wouldn’t have any complicated tax forms to fill out, nor would you have to negotiate the IRS’ labyrinthine trove of rules. You wouldn’t have to spend money on tax preparers, keep detailed books for your business, or account for every thin dime you make. And it would give you greater control over your finances because Uncle Sam wouldn’t see one penny of your income until YOU decided to spend it. Lastly, a national sales tax would be naturally progressive because wealthier people who buy bigger ticket items would pay more in taxes just as a matter of course .
Politicians wouldn’t like this plan because it robs them of power and control over our lives. But we should have this power and control because we should be free people – not subjects. It’s time to say “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore,” and demand that this plan become part of the fabric of our government. We should remember that money is not just paper - it represents resources. The ability to feed and clothe our families, to obtain health care, to get a good education and a million other things – it represents the worldly dreams and aspirations of ourselves and our children. And yes, the power to tax IS the power to destroy, and the power to tax highly is the power to destroy mightily. This is why the people must control this power – not the political elitists. It’s time to cut the blood supply and slay this big government dragon and truly make ours, as Lincoln said, “A government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

A Foolproof Tax Plan

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