
2013년 7월 17일 수요일

[책] Perspectives on Keynesian Economics (2011)

출처: Arie Arnon, Jimmy Weinblatt, Warren Young eds., Perspectives on Keynesian Economics (Springer, 2011)
자료: 구글도서



Part I. History, Methodology, and their Current Relevance
  • Making the Most Anomaly in the History of Economic Thought: Smith, Marx-Engels, and Keynes (Samuel Hollander)
  • Reason and Reasonableness in Keynes: Lessons from The Economic Consequences of the Peace 90 Years Later (Maria Cristina Marcuzzo)
  • The Marshallian Roots of Keynes's General Theory (Michel De Vroey)
  • Was Patinkin a Keynesian Economist? (Mauro Boianovsky)
  • Keynes, Robbins and the Nature of Economics (Amos Witztum)
  • Johnson's Conversion from Keynesianism at Chicago (Russel S. Boyer)
  • Appendix

Part II. Models, Pedagogy, Policy and Crisis
  • The Keynesian Revolution and IS-LM: From Enigma to Conundrum (Warren Young)
  • The Keynesian Method, Complexity, and the Training of Economists (David Colander)
  • Keynes, Wicksell and Active Monetary Policy (Arie Arnon)
  • "The Consequences to the Banks of the Collapse of Money Values", 1931 and 2009 (Robert W. Dimand)
  • The Great Depression, the Global Financial Crisis and Old Versus New Keynesian Thinking: What Have We Learded and What Remains To Be Learned?: Dicussion
  • Lucas, Keynes, Animal Spirits, Co-ordination and the Recent Crisis (David Laidler)

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