
2013년 7월 12일 금요일

[기록 삼아 보관하는] 어떤 전자우편

인터넷 환경의 전자우편 사례로 견본 삼아 기록해둔다.

Dear Albert,

Emperor penguins, blue whales, fur seals and 10,000 other species of wildlife live together in the near pristine waters around Antarctica.

In less than two weeks, world leaders will be meeting in Germany to decide whether to stop industrial fishing vessels from encroaching on two of the most important areas in the icy Southern Ocean.

Send a message to the members of the meeting: We want you to make history. 

Greenpeace, in a coalition of environmental groups, has been working for several years to help the participants of this meeting (they are called the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources or CCAMLR) understand the value and importance of officially creating the largest protected ocean sanctuaries in the world.Some of the members of the meeting still aren't convinced this is important, so they need to hear from us.

Say "yes" to creating the two largest protected ocean sanctuaries in the world. 

What’s at stake are key areas in the Ross Sea and East Antarctica, covering more than 3.5 million square kilometres of waters around Antarctica that are teaming with life and as yet, still largely untouched. Let's keep them that way.

The meeting starts on July 11th. Between now and then we will collect petition signatures and keep the dialogue going with CCAMLR members, but we need more. We need to keep the spotlight on this meeting. Please forward this message, sign the petition, share the petition everywhere and help us keep cheering for the CCAMLR members, so they will do what is right.


Richard Page
Greenpeace International
Oceans Campaigner

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