
2013년 7월 1일 월요일

[메모] 런던세계경제회의(1933)

자료 1. 두산백과(네이버)

자료 2. 기타(네이버)

자료 3. The London Monetary and Economic Conference of 1933: A Public Goods Analysis (Rodney J. Morrison, 1993)
※ 발췌(excerpt): III. The London Monetary and Economic Conference

In the United Sates what the London Conference might achieve was a matter of some discussion. Those who favored international cooperation were hopeful because of Roosevelt's efforts, in the spring of 1933, to consult with the governments of almost every country that would attend the Conference. But those who thought the President would resist foreign designs were equally sanguine because of something he had declared in his inaugural address: "Our international trade relations," he noted, "though vastly important, are in point of time and necessity secondary to the establishment of a sound national economy. I favor as a practical policy the putting of first things first. I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment, but the emergence at home canot wait on that accomplishment." [10]

  Roosevelt' policy of putting first things first was not the dominant view in Europe. ( ... ... )

  Roosevelt's Secretary of Sate, Cordell Hull, led the U.S. delegation to the Conference. ( ... ... )

  The Conference opened on June 12, 1933. Representative from 66 nations met at the Geological Museum in Kensington, in London, and began working through two committees, a Monetary and Financial Commission, which dealt with credit, prices, monetary problems, and exchange controls, and an Economics Commission, which focused on protection, production, and marketing. All attention, however, was directed toward the tripartite currency negotiations then underway outside the Conference, for it was clear that progress on almost every item on the agenda depended on a resolution of the currency question. The monetary talks, conducted by experts from the United States, Great Britain, and France, had started on  June 10 and by June 15, it appeared, a settlement had been reached.[14]

( ... ... ... )

자료 4. Literary Digest (May 6, 1933)


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