
2013년 6월 14일 금요일

[차례/독서노트: Keynes's] A Treatise on Money

출처: J. M. Keynes, A Treatise on Money (October 31, 1930)
자료: http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/007150328

Volume IThe Pure Theory of Money

Book I : The Nature of Money

Chapter 1. The Classification of Money (p. 3)
  • (1) Money and Money-of-Account (p. 3)
  • (2) Money-Proper and Bank-Money (p. 5)
  • (3) Representative Money (p. 6)
  • (4) The Forms of Money (p. 7)
  • (5) Current Money (p. 9)
  • (6) Illustration from History (p. 11)
  • (7) The Evolution of Managed Money (p. 15)
Chapter 2. Bank-Money (p. 23)
  • (1) The "Creation" of Bank-Money (p. 23)
  • (2) Current Money is predominantly Bank-Money (p. 31)
Chapter 3. The Analysis of Bank-Money  (p.34)
  • (1) Income-deposits, Business-deposits and Savings-deposits (p. 34)
  • (2) Demand-deposits and Time-deposits (p. 36)
  • (3) Deposits and Overdrafts (p. 41)
  • (4) The Volume of Deposits in relation to the Volume of Transactions (p. 43)

Book II : The Value of Money

Chapter 4. The Purchasing Power of Money (p. 53)
  • (1) The Meaning of Purchasing Power (p. 53)
  • (2) The Consumption Standard (p. 57)
  • (3) The Earnings Standard (p. 63)
  • (4) Working-class Index Numbers (p. 64)
Chapter 5. The Plurality of Secondary Price-Levels (p. 65)
  • (1) The Wholesale Standard (p. 66)
  • (2) International Standard (p. 69)
Chapter 6. Currency Standards (p. 76)
  • (1) Cash-Transactions Standard and the Cash-Balance Standard (p. 76)
  • (2) Is there such a thing as an "Object Means Variation of General Prices"? (p. 79)
Chapter 7. The Diffusion of Price-Levels (p. 89)

Chapter 8. The Theory of Comparisons of Purchasing Power (p. 95)
  • (1) The Meaning of Comparisons of Purchasing Power (p. 95)
  • (2) Methods of Approximation (p. 99)

Book III : The Fundamental Equations of Money

Chapter 9. Certain Definitions (p. 123)
  • (1) Income, Profits, Savings and Investment (p. 123)
  • (2) Available and Non-available Output (p. 127)
  • (3) The Classification of Capital (p. 128)
  • (4) Foreign Lending and the Foreign Balance (p. 131)
Chapter 10. The Fundamental Equations for the Value of Money (p. 133)
  • (1) The Fundamental Equations for the Value of Money (p. 135)
  • (2) The Characteristics of Profit (p. 137)
  • (3) The Price-level of New Investment-goods (p. 140)
  • (4) The Relations of the Price-level to the Quantity of Money (p. 146)
Chapter 11. The Conditions of Equilibrium (p. 151)
  • (1) The Condition of Zero-profits (p. 151)
  • (2) The Rate of Interest, or Bank-rate (p. 154)
  • (3) Inflation and Deflation (p. 155)
  • (4) The Causal Direction of Change (p. 156)
  • (5) The Behaviour of Entrepreneurs (p. 159)
  • (6) The Condition of External Equilibrium (p. 161)
  • (7) Change in Price-levels due to Spontaneous Change in Earnings (p. 166)
Chapter 12. The Distinction between Savings and Investment (p. 171)
  • (1) Savings and Investment (p. 171)
  • (2) An Illustration (p. 176)
  • (3) Theories of Over-Saving (p. 178)
  • (4) A Summary of the Argument (p. 179)
Chapter 13. The "Modus Operandi" of Bank-Rate (p. 185)
  • (1) The Traditional Doctrine (p. 185)
  • (2) The General Theory of Bank-rate (p. 200)
  • (3) Some Special Aspects of Bank-rate (p. 209)
  • (4) The Function of Bank-rate in Relation to External Equilibrium (p. 213)
  • (5) The Relation of Bank-rate to the Quantity of Money (p. 216)
Chapter 14. Alternative Forms of the Fundamental Equations (p. 221)
  • (1) The "Real Balances" Quantity Equation (p. 222)
  • (2) The "Cambridge" Quantity Equation (p. 229)
  • (3) The "Fisher" Quantity Equation (p. 233)
  • (4) The Relationship between the "Cambridge" and the "Fisher" Equation (p. 237)
  • (5) The Relationship between the "Fisher" Equation and the Fundamental Equations of Chapter 10 (p. 239)

Book IV : The Dynamics of The Price-Level

Chapter 15. The Industrial Circulation and the Financial Circulation (p. 243)
  • (1) Industry and Finance Distinguished and Defined    (p. 243)
  • (2) Factors Determining the Volume of the Industrial Circulation   (p. 244)
  • (3) Factors Determining the Volume of the Financial Circulation   (p. 248)
Chapter 16. A Classification of the Causes of a Disequilibrium in the Purchasing Power of Money (p. 258)
  • I. Changes due to Monetary Factors (p. 259)
  • II. Changes due to Investment Factors (p. 260)
  • III. Changes due to Industrial Factors (p. 260)
Chapter 17. Changes due to Monetary Factors (p. 262)
  • (1) The Industrial Consequences of Changed Supply of Money (p. 262)
  • (2) The Diffusion of a Change in the Total Deposits between the Different Kinds of Deposits   (p. 265)
  • (3) The Problems of the Transition    (p. 269)
Chapter 18. Changes due to Investment Factors (p. 276)
  • (1) The Definition of the Credit Cycle (p. 277)
  • (2) The Genesis and Life-history of a Credit Cycle (p. 279)
Chapter 19. Some Special Aspects of the Credit Cycle (p. 293)
  • (1) The "Justification" of Commodity Inflation  (p. 293)
  • (2) The Incidence of Commodity Inflation   (p. 298)
  • (3) The Normal Course of a Credit Cycle    (p. 302)
Chapter 20. An Exercise in the Pure Theory of the Credit Cycle (p. 305)
  • (1) The Standard Case   (p. 306)
  • (2) Eight Epilogues     (p. 312)
  • (3) The Generalised Case  (p. 317)
Chapter 21. Changes due to International Disequilibrium (p. 326)
  • (1) Relative Price-levls and Relative Interest-rates as Causes of Monetary Disequilibrium  (p. 326)
  • (2) The Relationships between Foreign Lending and Movements of Gold (p. 329)
  • (3) The Net National Advantages of Foreign Investment (p. 343)
  • (4) The Awkwardness of Changes due to International Factors   (p. 346)
  • (5) The Same Phenomena under Gold-Exchange Management   (p. 350)
  • (6) The Same Phenomena in the Absence of an International Standard   (p. 356)

Volume II ─ The Applied Theory of Money

Book V : Monetary Factors and Their Fluctuations

Chapter 22. The Applied Theory of Money (p. 3)

Chapter 23. The Proportion of Savings-Deposits to Cash-Deposits (p. 7)
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
Chapter 24. The Velocities of Circulation (p. 20)
  • (1) The Conception of "Velocity" as applied to Bank Money (p. 20)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
  • (5)
  • (6) Factors determining True Velocities (p. 43)
Chapter 25. The Ratio of Bank Money to Reserve Money (p. 40)
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
Chapter 26. The Activity of Business (p. 79)
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
Book VI : The Rate of Investment and Its Fluctuations

Chapter 27. Fluctuations in the Rate of Investment─I. Fixed Capital (p. 95)
  • (1)
  • (2)
Chapter 28. Fluctuations in the Rate of Investment─II. Working Capital (p. 102)
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4)
Chapter 29. Fluctuations in the Rate of Investment─III. Liquid Capital (p. 130)
  • (1) Mr. Hawtrey's Theory of Liquid Stocks (p. 131)
  • (2)
  • (3)
  • (4) 
  • (5)
  • (6)
Chapter 30. Historical Illustrations (p. 148)
  • (1) Spanish Treasure (p. 152)
  • (2) The Depression of the 1890s (p. 164)
  • (3) The War-Boom, 1914-18 (p. 170)
  • (4) The Post-war Boom, 1919-20 (p. 176)
  • (5) Great Britain's Return to the Gold Standard (p. 181)
  • (6) British Home and Foreign Investment after the Return to Gold (p. 184)
  • (7) The United States, 1925-30 (p. 190)
  • (8) The "Gibson Paradox" (p. 198)

Book VII : The Management of Money

Chapter 31. The Problem of the Management of Money (p. 211)
  • (1) Control of Prices through the Rate of Investment   (p. 211)
  • (2) The Dual Functions of Bankers     (p. 213)
Chapter 32. Methods of National Management─I. The Control of the Member Banks (p. 225)
  • (1) The British System (p. 225)
  • (2) The Continental System   (p. 227)
  • (3) The United States Federal Reserve System (p. 234)
  • (4) Will Member Banks borrow from the Central Bank at a Rate above the Market?  (p. 243)
  • (5) Open-market Policy further analysed (p. 250)
  • (6) The Method of Varying Member Bank Reserve-ratios (p. 260)
Chapter 33. Methods of National ManagementㅡⅡ. The Regulation of the Central Reserves (p. 262)

Chapter 34. Problems of International ManagementㅡⅠ. The Relations of Central Banks to one another   (p. 279)

Chapter 35. Problems of International ManagementㅡⅡ. The Gold Standard (p. 289)
  • (1) Auri sacra Fames (p. 289)
  • (2) The Case for the Gold Standard (p. 293)
Chapter 36. Problems of International ManagementㅡⅢ. The Problems of National Autonomy (p. 302)
  • (1) The Dilemma of an International System (p. 302)
  • (2) Methods of Regulating the Rate of Foreign Lending   (p. 306)
  • (3) The Significance of the Gold Points (p. 319)
  • (4) Should Standards of Value be International? (p. 332)
Chapter 37. Problems of National ManagementㅡⅢ. The Control of the Rate of Investment    (p. 339)

Chapter 38. Problems of Supranational Management (p. 388)

Index (p. 409)

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