
2013년 6월 10일 월요일

[책] Keynes's Theoretical Development: From the Tract to the General Theory

출처: Toshiaki Hirai, Keynes's Theoretical Development: From the Tract to the General Theory (Routledge, 2008)
자료: 구글도서


Introduction: Keynes | The outline of the book (p.2) | Main conclusions (p.4) | Note on methodology (p.5)

1. The relative decline of the British economy (p. 7)

2. Wicksell's influences on Keynes and his contemporaries (p. 17)

3. The Life of Keynes (p. 31)

4. From the Tract to the Treatise (p. 41)
I. A Tract on Monetary Reform (p. 41)
II. A Treatise on Money (p. 43)
III. Comparison (p. 44)
Iv. Examination through primary material (p. 45)
VI. Conjectural conclusions (p. 54)
5. The Treatise (p. 56)
I. Theoretical structure (p. 56)
II. Two problems (p. 63)
III. The Key concepts (p. 69)
6. After the Treatise (p. 71)
I. Hawtrey's criticism (p. 71)
II. June 1931 to early 1932 (p. 73)
III. 'The Monetary Theory of Production' manuscript (p. 77)
IV. The 'Cambridge Circus' criticism: May 1932 (p. 82)
V. Two tables of contents (1932) (p. 85)
VI. Conclusion (p. 86)
7. The turning point (p. 88)
I. 'The Parameters of a Monetary Economy' manuscripts (p. 88)
II. The 1932 Michaelmas lecture (p. 95)
III. Kahn's contribution (p. 98)
IV. Malthus and Keynes (p. 100)
V. Conclusion (p. 102)
8. Searching for a new theory of employment (p. 103)
I. Three manuscripts (p. 103)
II. Comparison of the 1933 three tables of contents (p. 115)
9. Establishment of the investment and consumption theories (p. 118)
I. The 1933 Michalmas lectures (p. 118)
II. The two undated manuscripts (p. 120)
III. Conclusion (p. 127)
10. The eve of the General Theory (p. 130)

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Notes (p. 214)

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