
2013년 6월 1일 토요일

[자료] International Monetary Economics, 1870-1960: Between the Classical and the New Classical (M. June Flanders, 1989)

출처: M. June Flanders, International Monetary Economics, 1870-1960: Between the Classical and the New Classical (Cambridge University Press, 1989)
자료: 구글도서


1. Preliminaries
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Classical mainstream and the 19th-century monetary controversies: classicals (p.26) | The bullionist controversy (p. 30) | The banking school and the currency school (p. 31) | The role of the rate of interestㅡcapital flows (p. 37) ...
2. Stream P ( Part I:  The Neoclassicals )
  • 3. The beginnings of the neoclassical tradition: Bagehot (p. 49) | Marshall (p. 57) ...
  • 4. The locus classicus of the neoclassical position: The Cunliffe Committee and its report (p. 67) | A diversion: the facts about the prewar era (p. 74) ...
  • 5. The Macmillan Committee (p. 87)
  • 6. A second diversion: Keynes and the Macmillan Committee: Keynes the neoclassical (p. 107) |  Keynes the pre-keynesian (p. 108) | Keynes's view of the disequilibrium system (p. 110) | Internal vs. external balance (p. 111) ... Appendix: Keynes on Methodology (p. 120)
2. Stream P ( Part II: The Anti-Neoclassicals )
  • 7. The Anti-Neoclassicals: Hayek (p. 121) | Hawtrey (p. 141) | The revisionists (p. 149) ...
2. Stream P ( Part III: Policy-Oriented AcademicㅡKeynes )
  • 8. Indian currency and finance: a tract on monetary reform (p. 155): Indian currency and finance | A tract on monetary reform (p. 160) | Summary (p. 169) 
  • 9. Treatise on money: The mechanism of adjustment (p. 170) | Short-term capital flows and the policy dilemma (p. 174) | domestic impact of the interest rate (p. 175) | The dilemma and what to do about it (p. 178) | On the choice of an exchange rate regime (p. 183) ...
  • 10. Late Keynes : towards Bretton Woods (pp. 186-206)
2. Stream P ( Part IV: Crisis )
  • 11. Crisis writers: Marco Fanno (p. 208) | Nurkse (p. 208) | Bloomfield (p. 211) | Kindleberger (p. 215) ...
3. Stream F ( Part I: The Late Classicals )
  • 12. The late classicals (pp. 223-244)
3. Stream F ( Part II: Ohlin )
  • 13. Ohlin (pp. 245-258)
3. Stream F ( Part III: The Keynesian Models )
  • 14. The Keynesians I 
  • 15. The Keynesians II
4. The Confluence
  • 16. Post-Keynesians (pp. 313-335)

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