
2013년 6월 2일 일요일

[책: Chi-Yuen Wu's] An Outline of International Price Theories (1939)

출처: Chi-Yuen Wu, An Outline of International Price Theories (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1939[2007])
자료: 구글도서

Selected Contents:

  Introduction by Professor Lionel Robbins

  Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction: ...

  Chapter Ⅱ. The Mercantilistic Theories
  • 1. Mercantilism: four stages of its development. The first period; before 1550 (p.13) 2. The second period: 1550 to 1620... 3. The foreign exchange controvery (p.22) ... 5. The third period: 1620 to 1680. The balance of trade controvery (Mun and others) (p.29) ....
  Chapter Ⅲ. From David Hume to John Stuart Mill: The Development of the Classical Theories (p.75)
  • ...6. The report of the Bullion Committee. Ricardo, Malthus and Bosanquet... (p.111) ...
  Chapter Ⅳ. The Classical Theory of International Trade (p.153)

  Chapter Ⅴ. Post-Classical Development of the Monetary Aspect of the Theory of International Price Relationship: 1848-1918 (p.185)
  • ...4. The rate of interest both as a regulator of the international movement of specie and as a regulator of price movements: De Laveleye and Juglar (p.209) ... 6. Knut Wicksell (p.221) ... 8. The theory of R.G. Hawtrey (p.239)
  Chapter Ⅵ. Development since 1918: Theories of the Exchange under Depreciated Currencies (p.247)
  • ...2. The purchasing power parity theory: Cassel's version of the theory (p.250)....
  Chapter Ⅶ. Development since 1918: The Transfer Problem (p. 272)
  • 1. Theories of transfer and their developments before the Great War (p. 272) 2. The earlier controversy: Taussig, Wicksell and Viner (p.279) 3. The reparation discussions: the controversy between Keynes and Ohlin (p. 284) ...

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