
2013년 6월 8일 토요일

[발췌: A.O. Ebebstein's] Friedrich Hayek: A Biography

출처: Alan O. Ebenstein, Friedrich Hayek: A Biography (..)
자료: 구글도서

( ... ... )Of Hayek's anti-Keynes introduction to English economics through his review of A Treatise on Money in Economica a month before he arrived to begin teaching at LSE in September 1931, Keynes editor Donald Moggridge notes that Keynes was "obviously very unhappy, for his copy of that issue of Economica is among the most heavily annotated of his surviving copies of his journals, with no less than thirty-four pencilled marks or comments on the 26 page review. At the end of his copy of the review, Keynes summed up his reaction by writing, “Hayek has not read my book with that measure of ‘good will’ which an author is entitled to expect of a reader. Until he can do so, he will not see what I mean or know whether I am right . He evidently has a passion which leads him to pick on me, but I am left wondering what this passion is.” [11] ( .... ... )

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