
2013년 4월 10일 수요일

Dic: Your due, your dues

  • At last she has the justice that is her due.
  • He accepted all the praise he received as his due.
  • Freddy, to give him his due(=to be fair to him), always tried to be honest.
  • You finally received your due.
  • He really upset Lydia, although give him his due, he did apologize afterward.
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Your due:

■ [singular] Someone's due is something that they have a right to receive.
  • [to give someone their due] used when you are going to say something good about someone, after you have been criticizing them.
■ Your due is what you deserve, or something it is your right to have.

■ Something owed or deserved.

■ give (a person) his due: to give or allow what is deserved or right.

.... Macmillan, LDOCE, The American Heritage, Collins

CF. Your dues:
  • Robert failed to pay his dues last year.
■ dues [plural]: money that someone has to pay regularly, for example to be a member of a club or union.

■ dues [plural]: regular payments you make to an organization of which you are a member (=fees)
.... Macmillan, LDOCE

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