
2013년 4월 1일 월요일

Dic: come around (or come round) to an idea

  • It looks like they are coming around to our way of thinking. 
  • She will eventually come round.
  • It took him a while to come around to the idea. 
  • Don't worryㅡshe'll come round eventually.

■ If you come around or come round to an idea, you eventually change your mind and accept it or agree with it.

■  to change your opinion so that you now agree with someone or are no longer angry with them

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CF 1: This figurative usage above can be well understood in accordance with a more literal usage:
  • Beryl came round this morning to apologize.
  • Quite a lot of people came round to the house. 
  • I'll come around later and see how you are.
  • Why don't you come round for lunch.

■ If someone comes around or comes round to your house, they call there to see you (=come over).

■ to come to someone's home or the place where they work in order to visit them (=come over)
...... Cobuild, LDOCE

CF 2: ...

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