
2013년 2월 22일 금요일

Dic: straight as meaning correct

  • Be sure you have your facts straight.
  • Let me get this straight, you didn't know they had your car.
  • Thanks for setting me straight.
  • Let's get things straight. I didn't lunch with her.
  • I wanted to get the facts straight.
  • Let me get this straight - Tom sold the car and gave you the money?
  • Tell him to ask Ruth - she'll put him straight.
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■ information that is straight is correct:
  • (a) get something straight: to correctly understand something. 
  • (b) set/put someone straight or set/put the record straight: to tell someone the true facts about a situation after they have been told something that is not true.
■ If you get something straight, you make sure that you understand it properly or that someone else does . (SPOKEN)

  • (a) get sth straight: spoken. to understand the facts of a situation and be able to tell them correctly.
  • (b) set/put sb straight: to make someone understand the true facts about a situation.
..... Macmillan, COBUILD, LDOCE

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