
2013년 2월 16일 토요일

Dic: honor(-) bound to do something

  • We felt honor bound to attend their wedding.
  • She felt honor-bound to attend as she had promised to.
  • reporters who feel honor bound to protect their sources of information
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■ be/feel honour bound to do sth: [formal] to feel that it is your moral duty to do something

■ in honour bound: under a moral obligation

■ (feel) honor-bound to do something: (formal) to feel that you must do something because of your sense of moral duty.

(2) having an obligation to do something because of a law, promise, etc.;
(2a) feeling that you should do something because you are expected to, or because it is morally right, even if you do not really want to do it:
  • We felt bound to tell her that her son had been taking drugs.
  • reporters who feel honor bound to protect their sources of information
.... LDOCE, Collins, OALD, Macmillan

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