
2013년 1월 20일 일요일

Dic: a way of making something happen or making someone do something

definitions of a word:
  • (formal) a way of making something happen or making someone do something.
  • a method of achieving something.
  • a plan or trick that is used to get something that someone wants.
  • a special way of doing something that makes it easier to do.
  • a plan or trick, especially for a dishonest purpose.
  • a plan or plot, esp a clever or evil one; scheme; trick
  • a method which is used to produce a desired effect.
  • an indirect, usually cunning means of gaining an end.
.... Macmillan, Cobuild, OALD, LDOCE, Collins, CALD, Roget's II

Some example sentences or phrases:
  • We needed a ______ to get him out of the house.
  • They claim that military spending is used as a ______ for managing the economy.
  • The report was a ______ used to hide rather than reveal problems.
  • Testing yourself with information on cards is a useful ______ for studying. 
  • a memory ______
  • Their proposal was only a ______ to confuse the opposition. 
  • A trademark can be a powerful marketing ______.
  • Her cool manner is just a ______ to avoid having to talk to people.
.... Macmillan, Cobuild, OALD, LDOCE, CALD

※ What is the word?

This is a question for myself whether I can retain, after some long time, what I'm reviewing now through various dictionaries. #dic #question

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