
2013년 1월 24일 목요일

Dic: point (as a verb meaning suggesting that something is true)

  • Everything seemed to point in one direction.
  • All the evidence pointed towards Blake as the murderer.
  • Private polls and embassy reports pointed to a no vote.
  • All the signs point to a successful year ahead.
  • The evidence before us points clearly to his innocence.
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■ point: to suggest that something is true [I always + adv/prep]
  • Everything seemed to point in one direction.
  • All the evidence pointed towards Blake as the murderer. [point to/towards] 
■ If something points to a particular situation, it suggests that the situation exists or is likely to occur.
  • Private polls and embassy reports pointed to a no vote.
■ point to something:

 _(1) to mention something that you think is important and/or the reason why a particular situation exists.
  • The board of directors pointed to falling productivity to justify their decision.
  • Pointing to the results of a recent survey, he claimed voters were most interested in education and unemployment.
 _(2) to suggest that something is true or likely.
  • All the signs point to a successful year ahead.
  • The evidence before us points clearly to his innocence.
.... LDOCE, Cobuild, OALD

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