
2009년 11월 30일 월요일

NASA Administrator, associate administrator

자료: 유에스인러브, 미항공우주국의 차관 신재원박사

미정부 기관 최고위직에 소속된 한국인 신재원 박사(46), 그는 미항공우주국 NASA의 항공 프로그램(연간예산 약 9억 5천만 달러)을 총괄 지휘하는 책임자의 한 사람으로서, 또 미 전역에 소재한 총 10개의 NASA 센터 중 3개의 지부를 관장하고 있는 자랑스러운 한국인이다. NASA는 전체적으로 약 20,000여 명과 Contractor 15,000여 명 등 무려 35,000여 명의 직원을 보유하고 있는 세계 초유의 항공우주국으로, 신 박사는 이곳 워싱턴 D.C.에 소재한 본부(300 E Street SW Washington, DC 20546/ 총 직원수 1,200여명)에서 Deputy Associate Administrator(차관보급)의 중책을 맡고 있는 미정부 기관 최고위직에 소속된 한국인이다. NASA는 다른 정부기관과는 달리 독자적인 기관(Independent Agent)으로 구별되며, Administrator(장관급) 1명을 위시하여 Associate Administrator(차관급)으로 분류된 4명이 미 우주항공사업의 막대한 업무를 합동으로 수행하고 있다. 다시 말하자면, NASA라는 조직은 Aeronautics Research, Science, Space Operation과 Exploration Systems 등 4개의 주무부서(Mission Directorate)로 구성되어 있는데, 이 부서들 중 가장 중요한 Aeronautics Research 부문을 바로 신 박사가 총괄 지휘하고 있다. 또한, 현재 미연방정부에 속한 약 75만 명의 공무원들 중에서 전체적으로 약 1% 정도(NASA는 2%)만이 소위 S.E.S.(Senior Executive Service)라는 Management 고위직으로 분류되고 있는 바, 한국계로서는 신 박사가 유일무이한 S.E.S.이다. 미 전역의 아시아계 S.E.S.는 모두 합쳐도 고작 10여명 이내라고 한다.

참고로, NASA의 총수장(Administrator) 자리는 전임인 Sean O’keefe씨가 얼마전 Louisiana State Univ. 총장으로 부임되어 가면서 현재 새로운 인물을 찾고 있는 중이고, 신 박사가 몸담고 있는 Aeronautics Research 부문을 선두 지휘하고 있는 Associate Administrator는 벨기에 출신의 과학자인 Victor Lebacqz씨로 알려졌다.

지난 5월 Deputy associate Administrator로 워싱턴 본부 발탁 ‘82년 연세대학(기계학과)를 졸업한 후 바로 도미한 신박사는 이어 California State Univ. Long Beach Campus(유체역학)와 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.에서 석, 박사 학위를 취득한 재원으로서, ‘89년에 그 유명한 NASA Cleveland Glenn Research Center(GRC)에 첫 발을 들여 놓은 후 무려 15년 동안 우주항공학의 최첨단분야인 Aeronautics를 연구, 개발해 온 세기의 과학자이다. 신박사는 이곳에서 처음 6년 동안은 선임연구원으로 근무하다가 ‘95년-’97 사이에는 High Speed Research Program(Super Sonic; 초음속 항공기 개발기술 프로그램)의 Management를 맡게 되었다고 한다. NASA내 아시아 출신의 과학자들은 대다수가 Engineering부문에 한정되어 활동하고 있는 반면, 한국계로서 NASA의 Total Management를 책임지는 중대한 임무를 부여 받았던 신박사가 한국인의 한 사람으로서 한없이 자랑스럽다. 신박사는 또 ‘98년에는 미정부에 의해 창설된 Presidential Commission에서 NASA’S Aviation Safety Program과 Airspace Systems Program 등에 대한 운영 책임을맡았으며, 이어 2001년부터는 GRC에서 Deputy Director로 재직하였다. 이렇듯 미 정부로부터 탁월한 능력을 인정받게 된 신 박사는 드디어 지난 5월 14일 본부의 Deputy Associate Administrator로 승진, 발탁되어 워싱턴에 입성했다. (중략)

[Wikipedia] John Gottman

자료: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gottman
John Gottman, (* 1942) Ph.D. is known for his work on marital stability and relationship analysis through scientific direct observations published in peer-reviewed literature. The lessons learned from this work represent a partial basis for the relationship counseling movement which aim to improve relationship functioning and the avoidance of those behaviors shown by Gottman and other researchers to deteriorate human relationships.[1] Dr. Gottman is a Professor Emeritus of psychology at the University of Washington, and with his wife Dr. Julie Gottman now heads a non-profit research institute.[2]
Dr. Gottman found his methodology predicts with 90% accuracy which newlywed couples will remain married and which will divorce four to six years later. It is also 81% percent accurate in predicting which marriages will survive after seven to nine years.[3] Dr. Gottman's prediction method, which relies on Paul Ekman's method of analyzing human emotion and microexpressions, is also featured in the book Blink and the television series The Human Face.
John Gottman was born in the Dominican Republic to Orthodox Jewish parents. His father was a rabbi in pre-WWII Vienna. John was educated in a Lubavitch yeshiva elementary school in Brooklyn, and currently identifies with Conservative Judaism.



[edit]Contempt and marriage

In the book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking author Malcolm Gladwell discusses John Gottman's theories of how to predict which couples will stay married. Part of Gottman's theory states that there are four major emotional reactions that are destructive to a marriage:

Among these four, Gottman considers contempt the most important of them all. [4]


In his book, "The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work,” Gottman discusses behaviors that he has observed in marriages that are successful and those that are detrimental to marriage based on his research conducted at his love lab in Seattle, Washington. He has outlined seven principles that will reinforce the positive aspects of a relationship and help marriages endure during the rough moments.
  1. Enhance Your Love Maps. Gottman defines a love map as the place in your brain where you store information pertaining to your partner. This is crucial in really knowing your partner, their dreams, hopes, interests, and maintaining their interest throughout the relationship.
  2. Nurture Your Fondness and Admiration. This means laying down a positive view about your spouse, respecting and appreciating their differences.
  3. Turn Toward Each Other Instead of Away. Acknowledging your partner's small moments in life and orienting yourself towards them will maintain that necessary connection that is vital for the relationship.
  4. Let Your Partner Influence You. It is important to maintain your own identity in a relationship, but it is equally important to yield to your partner and give in. If both partners allow one another this influence, then they will learn to respect one another on a deeper level.
  5. Solve Your Solvable Problems. It is important to compromise on issues that can be resolved, which Gottman believes can be accomplished by these five steps: soften your startup, learn to make and receive repair attempts, soothe yourself and each other, compromise, and be tolerant of each other’s faults.
  6. Overcome Gridlock. Major issues that cannot be resolved because both partners’ views are so fundamentally different involves understanding of the other person and deep communication. The goal is to at least get to a position that allows the other person to empathize with the partner's view, even if a compromise cannot be reached.
  7. Create Shared Meaning. Create a shared value system that continually connects the partners through rituals/traditions, shared roles and symbols.


  1. ^ The Gottman Institute. Online Abstracts of Published Research Articles. Accessed online 14 October 2008.
  2. ^ John Gottman. John Gottman, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Accessed online 14 October 2008.
  3. ^ Gottman, John (2003). The Mathematics of Marriage. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262072267.
  4. ^ Gladwell, Malcolm (copyright 2005). Blink. Back Bay Books imprint (Little, Brown and Company). pp. 32–33. ISBN 0-316-01066-9.
  5. ^ Gottman, John (copyright 1999). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Crown Publishers imprint (Three Rivers Press). ISBN 0-609-80579-7.

[edit]External links

Dic: have it, "There you have it."

have it:
  1. To assert; maintain: Rumor has it that he quit.
  2. To express in a particular way; phrase: As her friends have it, she likes her new job.
  3. To think and act with respect to (something being considered): Have it your way.
  4. To gain a victory in a voice vote: The ayes have it.

"There you have it":
[informal] used to indicate that something is completed or done in a satisfactory way
  • You just plug it in, push this button, and there you have it.
  • There you have it. The mystery is solved.

Dic: appreciate (other than its economic sense)

1. VERB | If you appreciate something, for example a piece of music or good food, you like it because you recognize its good qualities.

  • CE | To value highly : to appreciate Shakespeare
  • AH | To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of: appreciated their freedom.
  • AH | To admire greatly; value.
2. VERB | If you appreciate a situation or problem, you understand it and know what it involves.
  • CE | (may take a clause as object) to take full or sufficient account of: to appreciate a problem.
  • AH | To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize: I appreciate your problems.
3. VERB | If you appreciate something that someone has done for you or is going to do for you, you are grateful for it.
  • CE | to feel thankful or grateful for: to appreciate a favour.
  • AH | To be thankful or show gratitude for: I really appreciate your help.
..... Cobuild, CE(Collins English), AH(The American Heritage)
  • In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.
  • She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the Irish conflict.
  • He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional duties.
  • Peter stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always appreciate that.
  • I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mention it.

Synonyms: Appreciate, Value, Prize(1), Esteem, Treasure, Cherish

These verbs mean to have a highly favorable opinion of someone or something.
  • Appreciate applies especially to high regard based on critical assessment, comparison, and judgment:
    ... As immigrants, they appreciated their newfound freedom.
  • Value implies high regard for the importance or worth of the object:
    ... "In principle, the modern university values . . . the free exchange of ideas . . ." (Eloise Salholz).
  • Prize often suggests pride of possession:
    ... "the nonchalance prized by teen-agers" (Elaine Louie).
  • Esteem implies respect:
    ... "If he had never esteemed my opinion before, he would have thought highly of me then" (Jane Austen).
  • Treasure and cherish stress solicitous care and affectionate regard:
    ... We treasure our freedom.
    ... "They seek out the Salish Indian woman . . . to learn the traditions she cherishes" (Tamara Jones).

2009년 11월 29일 일요일

Science Confirms: You Really Can't Buy Happiness (Washington Post, July 3, 2006)

By Shankar Vedantam, Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 3, 2006; Page A02

When Warren Buffett announced last week that he will be giving away more than $30 billion to improve health, nutrition and education, people all over America reflected on his remarkable generosity, pondered all the noble things the gift would achieve and asked themselves what they would do if someone were to give them that kind of dough.

Halt that daydream: Turns out the Oracle of Omaha is a wizard at more than investing. When it comes to money, giving may buy a lot more happiness than getting.

Buffett may have been thinking of his soul -- "There is more than one way to get to heaven, but this is a great way," he said as he announced the largest gift in the history of the planet -- but he may also have been keeping up with the latest psychological research.

A wealth of data in recent decades has shown that once personal wealth exceeds about $12,000 a year, more money produces virtually no increase in life satisfaction. From 1958 to 1987, for example, income in Japan grew fivefold, but researchers could find no corresponding increase in happiness.

In part, said Richard Layard of the London School of Economics, who has studied the phenomenon closely, people feel wealthy by comparing themselves with others. When incomes rise across a nation, people's relative status does not change.

But surely a Buffett-size gift -- he wants to give away $4 million a day -- would make most people euphoric, right?

Temporarily, that is true, Layard said in an interview. However, social comparisons are not the only factor at play. Another big psychological factor is habituation: Dramatically changing one's wealth does create happiness, but it will last only until people get used to their newfound status, which can be a matter of months or a couple of years at most.

When people win lotteries, for example, Layard said, "initially there is a big increase in happiness, but then it reverts to its original level. So why do people want to win lotteries? . . . They have a rather short-term focus, and they don't seem to grasp long-term ways their own feelings work."

The journal Science reported last week yet more evidence and another theory about why wealth does not make people happy: "The belief that high income is associated with good mood is widespread but mostly illusory," one of its studies concluded. "People with above-average income . . . are barely happier than others in moment-to-moment experience, tend to be more tense, and do not spend more time in particularly enjoyable activities."

Wait, there's more.

"The effect of income on life satisfaction seems to be transient," the researchers added. "We argue that people exaggerate the contribution of income to happiness because they focus, in part, on conventional achievements when evaluating their lives and the lives of others."

Wow. Let's pause a moment to let all priests, nuns and anarchists take a bow and say, "I told you so!"

"People grossly exaggerate the impact that higher incomes would have on their subjective well-being," said Alan Krueger, a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University and an author of the study.

The problem is that once people get past the level of poverty, money does not play a significant role in day-to-day happiness, Krueger said. It certainly can buy things, but things do not usually address most of the troubles people experience in daily life -- concerns about their children, problems in intimate relationships and stressful aspects of their jobs.

When people daydream about winning big, Krueger said, "they focus on all the things they would buy, without recognizing that does not contribute all that much to their well-being."

In fact, the study noted, data from the Department of Labor show that the more money people have, the less likely they are to spend time doing certain kinds of enjoyable things that make them happy. High-income individuals are often focused on goals, which can bring satisfaction. But working toward achievements is different from experiencing things that are enjoyable in themselves , such as close relationships and relaxing leisure activities.

"If you want to know why I think poor people are not that miserable, it is because they are able to enjoy things that Bill Gates has not been able to enjoy, given his schedule at Microsoft," Krueger surmised.

Various studies have shown that people are enormously reluctant to accept a pay cut, even if that would give them more freedom, less supervision or a shorter commute -- all things that are tangibly associated with moment-to-moment happiness. The emphasis on salary is identical to the lottery ticket winner's mistake in thinking that money changes everything.

"One of the mistakes people make is they focus on the salary and not the non-salary aspects of work," Krueger said. "People do not put enough weight on the quality of work. That is why work looks like, for most people, the worst moments of the day."

2009년 11월 28일 토요일

Be Still, and Know That I Am God

성서 시편 46:10

자료: http://www.hebrew4christians.net/Meditations/Be_Still/be_still.html

"Be still" comes from ... the verb rapha (meaning to be weak, to let go, to release....

Dic: げん-き(元氣)


1. [명사] 원기; 1.2. [명사] 기력. 기운.

  • げんきいっぱいはたらく 원기 왕성하게 일하다.
  • げんきをつける 원기를 북돋우다.
  • げんきがつく 기운이 나다.
  • げんきを出(だ)す 기운을 내다.
  • げんきがいい 원기가 좋다.
  • げんきがある 기운이 있다.

2. [형용동사] 건강함. 활발함. げん-きさ 【명사】

  • 早(はや)くげんきになれ 빨리 건강을 찾아라.
  • おげん-きですか (오겐끼데스까): 안녕하세요?
... 네이버일어

2009년 11월 27일 금요일

Dic: descope

(management) To strategically revise objectives downward.
Etymology: de- +‎ scope. First attested in US military and aerospace contexts.
  • The arms controllers who "descoped" the Patriot bear a heavy burden. (1991 March 26, “Lethal Control of Arms”, Washington Times)

v. to reduce the goals or specifications of an undertaking, especially as a result of funding cuts.

1974 Senate Committee on Armed Services Fiscal Year 1975 Authorization for Military Procurement (Feb. 5-Mar. 2) p. 1282:
  • The Navy will play this game by descoping the specification.
1982 Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City) (July 30) “Navy Staying With Plant”:
  • But Pall said the term Watkins wanted was “de-scope,” which means the Navy is taking another look at work needed on the project.
1984 Usenet: net.jokes (Jan. 23) “Glossary of NASA Terminology”:
  • I’ve been collecting examples of the jargon in common use by people at NASA Headquarters.…Descope: verb, to redesign a project as a result of budget cuts (not the opposite of scope, q.v.).
2006 Joshua Holland AlterNet (July 17) “Iraq’s Reconstruction a Boondoogle by Design”:
  • The 130 half-finished clinics will simply be removed from the contract—“de-scoping” is a new word one picks up quickly when looking at the hundreds of aborted projects in Iraq.

Dic: intent

1. Something that is intended; an aim or purpose.
2. Law. The state of one's mind at the time one carries out an action.
3. Meaning; purport.

1. Firmly fixed; concentrated: an intent gaze.
2. Having the attention applied; engrossed:
  • The students, intent upon their books, did not hear me enter the room.
3. Having the mind and will focused on a specific purpose:
  • was intent on leaving within the hour;
  • are intent upon being recognized.
* * *
Synonyms: intention, intent, purpose, goal, end, aim, object, objective

These nouns refer to what one plans to do or achieve.
  • Intention simply signifies a course of action that one proposes to follow:
    .... It is my intention to take a vacation next month.
  • Intent more strongly implies deliberateness:
    .... The executor complied with the testator's intent.
  • Purpose strengthens the idea of resolution or determination:
    .... "His purpose was to discover how long these guests intended to stay" Joseph Conrad.
  • Goal may suggest an idealistic or long-term purpose:
    .... The college's goal was to raise ten million dollars for a new library.
  • End suggests a long-range goal:
    .... The candidate wanted to win and pursued every means to achieve that end.
  • Aim stresses the direction one's efforts take in pursuit of an end:
    .... The aim of most students is to graduate.
  • An object is an end that one tries to carry out:
    .... The object of chess is to capture your opponent's king.
  • Objective often implies that the end or goal can be reached:
    .... The report outlines the committee's objectives.
... The American Heritage, www.visualthesaurus.com

2009년 11월 26일 목요일

Dic: discount (one of its meanings as a verb)

1. VERB | If you discount an idea, fact, or theory, you consider that it is not true, not important, or not relevant (= disregard) : However, traders tended to discount the rumor.

(a) To leave out of account as being untrustworthy or exaggerated; disregard: discount a rumor.
(b) To underestimate the significance or effectiveness of; minimize: took care not to discount his wife's accomplishments.
(c) To regard with doubt or disbelief.

..... Cobuild, The American Heritage

Dic: off balance

  • Policy makers were caught off balance by the speed and success of Canada's efforts to ban the weapons.
  • A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud.
  • She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn't thrown her off balance.
1. off balance: surprised or confused.
  • Usage notes: often used with keep or throw:

    The stories were part of an effort to keep the antiwar movement off balance

  • Etymology: based on the literal meaning of off balance (likely to fall)
2 (1) PHRASE : PHR after v, v-link PHR | If you are off balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall. (2) PHRASE : PHR after v | If you are thrown off balance by something, you are surprised or confused by it.

.... Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms, Cobuild

Dic: 네 처지가 "심난"하니 내 속도 "심란"해

심란 心亂

심란하다 〔-난--〕 [형용사]마음이 어수선하다. ≒심산하다(心散-).
  • 심란한 얼굴을 하다.
  • 마음이 심란하여 일이 손에 안 잡힌다.
  • 초막간이라도 의지하고 살던 데를 떠나게 되어서 속으로 심란하게 생각하는 사람이 많았다.≪홍명희, 임꺽정≫
  • 사람들은 벌써부터 못자리 만들 일이 심란하다고 한숨이 늘어지는 판이었다.≪윤흥길, 완장≫
  • 그녀의 마음도 낙엽들이 우수수 깔린 을씨년스러운 거리처럼 심란해 있었다.≪문순태, 타오르는 강≫
심란히 〔-난-〕[부사] ⇒심란하다.

심난 甚難
심난하다 〔심ː---〕 [형용사] 매우 어렵다.
  • 새로 산 아파트에 들어서면서 아버지는 심난했던 지난날이 생각나시는지 눈시울이 붉어지셨다.
.... 네이버국어(국립국어원)

2009년 11월 25일 수요일

Dic: devastating

  • 1: Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.
  • 2: The diagnosis was devastating. She had cancer.
  • 3: a devastating display of galloping and jumping.
  • 3: Its advertising is devastatingly successful.

1. ADJ : usu ADJ n | If you describe something as devastating, you are emphasizing that it is very harmful or damaging.
2. ADJ | You can use devastating to emphasize that something is very shocking, upsetting, or terrible.
3. ADJ | You can use devastating to emphasize that something or someone is very impressive.

.... Cobuild

용어: 되먹임(feedback)

1. 자료: 한국일보, 2006년 3월 2일

※ 메모:

... (전략) “perturbation이라는 단어는 살짝 건드려서 작은 변화를 일으킨다는 말입니다. 이걸 섭동(攝動)이라고 번역하면 무슨 말인지 알아듣습니까?” 한국물리학회의 용어심의위원장을 맡고 있는 이준규 서울대 교수는 “쉬운 우리말 용어를 정비하는 것은 학문을 하고 교육을 하는 기본”이라고 강조한다. ...(중략)... 우리말 용어작업에 가장 심혈을 기울인 학회는 한국물리학회다. 학회는 1990년부터 북한용어, 다른 학회의 용어, 아이디어 수렴 등을 거쳐 1995년 순우리말이 크게 강화된 물리학용어집을 내놓았다. 장(field)마당, 력(force), 진동떨기, 마찰쓸림 등으로 바꿀 정도로 순우리말을 많이 차용했다. 이중 들뜬 상태(excited state), 되먹임(feedback), 결맞음(coherence)과 같은용어는 쉬우면서도 뜻을 잘 전달해 잘 자리잡은 용어들이다. ...

하지만 우리말이라고 해서 늘 쉬운 것은 아니다. 물리학회는 지난해 조정된 물리용어를 내놓으면서 ‘바깥되비침’이나 ‘쬔량재개’와 같은 말을 [다시 한자 용어인] ‘외부반사’, ‘노출계’로 돌이켰다. (생략)

※ 메모:

순수 우리말을 대폭적으로 수용한 새로운 물리학 용어집이 발간된 지 어느덧 5년이 지났다. 그간 이 용어방을 통하여, 새로운 물리학 용어집 발간에 참여하였던 위원들과 물리학 용어에 관심을 갖고 있는 많은 분들이 나름대로의 의견을 발표하였다. 새로운 물리학 용어집을 내놓게 된 취지와 배경, 그리고 새롭게 제안한 우리말 물리학 용어가 갖는 맛과 멋에 대한 다양한 견해가 제시되었다. 그러나 용어는 문장이나 문귀, 나아가서는 전체적인 글 안에서 생명력을 갖는다. 이러한 관점에서, 새로운 물리학 용어집에서 권장하는 우리말 용어를 최대한 사용하여, '레이저의 기본 원리와 구성 요소'라는 제목으로 짧은 글을 싣는다. 우리말 용어의 적합성과 생존 가능성의 판단은 독자들의 몫이다. 참고로, 새로운 우리말 용어에는 밑줄을 그었다.....

※ 메모:

....(전략) 앞에서 게르만신화와 카오스이론의 ‘나비효과’를 살펴보았다. 그런데 이것은 되먹임(피드백 feedback) 구조가 없으면 불가능하다. 되먹임은 “동역학의 비선형적 특징 중의 하나로서 어떤 입력에서 나온 출력이 다시 입력으로 들어가는 것을 의미한다.”38) “카오스가 만들어지는 이유는 단순한 되먹임얽힘 때문이다”39) 한편 카오스와 같은 복잡계는 열린 시스템이므로 외부로부터 에너지가 드나들며 개별요소들의 상호작용을 통해 스스로 새로운 계층의 조직을 만들어갈 수 있다. 이러한 창발적인 질서를 만들어가는 과정이 바로 자기조직화(self-organization)이다....(생략)


위의 자료 외에도 더 많은 자료를 찾아 명시해두고 싶은 지가 오래다. 외국말이 자기 귀에 익숙하다는 이유로 우리말을 홀대하는 자들이 많다. 불교 용어는 한자가 많지만, 불교는 원래 한자문화에서 나온 종교가 아니었다. 그 점을 과감히 넘어서려는 시도였는지 잘은 몰라도, 어려운 한자용어로 되어 있던 불교용어을 순우리말로 바꾸는 움직임이 꽤 오래전부터 있었다. "되먹임"은 불교의 "업"과 통하는 의미가 많기도 해서 불교계에서도 많이 쓰이는 용어다. 우리말을 천대하지 말자. 접두사와 접미사는 우리말의 멋드러진 모습이기도 하다. 그 중 하나가 "되-"라는 접두사다.

Dic: cattle grid, cattle guard

자료: Wikipedia, http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/cattle+guard

Enlarge picture
Cattle grid in remote Western Australia.

A cattle grid or cattle guard, also known as a vehicle pass, is a type of obstacle used to prevent hoofed animals, such as sheep or cows, from passing. It consists of a grid of bars or tubes, usually made of metal, firmly fixed on the ground so that the holes are wide enough for animals legs to fall through, but narrow enough that a vehicle's wheels will not. A cattle grid will allow wheeled vehicles to pass through the entrance, but will contain horses, cattle or other wildlife within the enclosure because they will refuse to step on the gate.

Enlarge picture
Cattle guard on California Highway 76 near Lake Henshaw.

These grids are usually installed over countryside roads where they cross a fence. The alternative is to create a gate that would need to be manually or automatically opened when a vehicle comes. They are common where roads cross open moorland or common land maintained by grazing, but where segregation of fields is impractical, such as in the Scottish Highlands or the National Parks of England and Wales. They are also common throughout the Western United States and Canada, where they are sometimes referred to as "Texas gates." Cattle grids are also used when otherwise unfenced railways cross a fenceline.

While these barriers are usually effective, they can fail due to ingenious animals. Sheep have been known to roll on their backs or sides over grids as wide as 8 feet (2.4m), traversing them in order to find more and better food or water.

Enlarge picture
Virtual grid near Lone Pine, California

Portable texas gates suspend the gate by springs so that it lowers to the ground when a vehicle passes over then returns to a position 6 inches above the ground.

"Virtual" cattle grids can also be used. These look like cattle grids, but are only painted lines on the highway. The light-dark pattern of lines and pavement resembles a true cattle guard to animals. Animals see more intense contrasts of light and dark because their night vision is so much better than ours. Animals see the sharp contrast of the cattle guard on the ground as a false visual cliff; they act as if the dark spots are deeper than the light spots. Using a virtual cattle guard is cheaper than a true cattle guard, and can be used on higher-speed roads due to its smooth surface.

See also

External links

2009년 11월 24일 화요일

Dic: word (as an uncountable noun)

  • There is no word from the authorities on the reported attack.
  • Word has been spreading fast of the incidents on the streets.
N-UNCOUNT : also the N | If there is word of something, people receive news or information about it.

.... Cobuild

Dic: behind somebody's back

  • I don't want to talk about it behind his back
  • She was accused of going behind her colleagues' backs to talk to management. 
  • I often wonder what they say about me behind my back.

if you do something behind someone's back, you do it without them knowing, in a way which is unfair.

Dic: run a story

  • The newspaper ran a series of four editorials entitled 'The Choice of Our Lives.'
  • an editorial that ran this weekend entitled `Mr. Cuomo Backs Out.'
VERB | When newspapers or magazines run a particular item or story or if it runs, it is published or printed.

Cf. run as a verb (transitive)

12. To submit for consideration or review:
  • I'll run the idea by you before I write the proposal.
24. To continue to present or perform:
  • ran the film for a month.
25. To publish in a periodical:
  • run an advertisement.
... Cobuild, The American Heritage

Dic: provocative

  1. serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate;
  2. stimulating discussion or exciting controversy.
  • a provocative remark.
  • a provocative smile.
  • provocative Irish tunes which... compel the hearers to dance. (Anthony Trollope)

Dic: buy in, buy into (ordinary sense not for stock exchange)

  • 1: I bought into a company that makes dog food.
  • 1: Sounds like a good company. I would like to buy in.
  • 2: The committee liked my proposal and decided to buy into my plan.
  • 2: Do you think you can get the whole board to buy in?
buy in (to something):
1. Lit. to purchase shares of something; to buy a part of something the ownership of which is shared with other owners.
2. Fig. to agree with; to accept an idea as worthwhile.

VERB | If you buy an idea or a theory, you believe and accept it.[INFORMAL] (=buy into)
  • I'm not buying any of that nonsense.
  • I bought into the popular myth that when I got the new car or the next house, I'd finally be happy.

2009년 11월 19일 목요일

Dic: 토양, 풍토

토양(土壤) 명사

1 =흙.
2 식물에 영양을 공급하여 자라게 할 수 있는 흙.
  • 흙을 좀 담아 가서, 토양 검정을 한번 해 보겠다는 것이다.≪김춘복, 쌈짓골≫
  • 비옥한 토양이 아닌 데서 어떻게 좋은 수확물을 많이 얻을 수 있겠소.≪이병주, 지리산≫
3 어떤 활동이 이루어질 수 있는 밑받침을 비유적으로 이르는 말.
  • 풍부한 독서와 경험이 그가 훌륭한 작가가 될 수 있었던 토양이었다.
  • 거기에서 얻어지는 지식은 또 지혜를 기르는 데 살진 토양이 되어 주었다.≪박경리, 토지≫

풍토( 風土) 명사

1 어떤 지역의 기후와 토지의 상태.
  • 이 지역의 풍토에 맞게 농사를 지어야 한다.
  • 그동안 고국 땅, 맑고 부드러운 산천에 익었던 눈인 탓일 거다. 걸음을 재촉해 두만강을 넘어서니 풍토가 더욱 침침하고 삭막한 듯했다.≪안수길, 북간도≫
2 어떤 일의 바탕이 되는 제도나 조건을 비유적으로 이르는 말.
  • 정치 풍토
  • 학문 풍토
  • 예술가를 이해 못하는 풍토가 가장 고통스럽지요.≪박경리, 토지≫
... 네이버국어(국립국어원)

Dic: 기질

기질(氣質) 품사 : 명사

1 기력과 체질을 아울러 이르는 말.
2 정주학파(程朱學派)의 학설에서 본연의 성(性)에 대하여 혈기(血氣)에 의해서 후천적으로 생기는 성질.
3 [심리]자극에 대한 민감성이나 특정한 유형의 정서적 반응을 보여 주는 개인의 성격적 소질.
  • 낙천적인 기질
  • 예술가적 기질을 타고난 작가
  • 이 신문은 보수적 기질이 강하다.
  • 그의 작품에는 어딘지 모르게 반항아적인 기질이 나타난다.
  • 종구 쪽 집안은 직업에서부터 장이의 기질이 있었다. 출처 : 한수산, 유민

cf. 기질지성 氣質之性 |상위어 : 기질 | 발음 : 기질찌성 | 품사 : 명사
[철학] 성리학에서, 후천적인 혈기(血氣)의 성(性)을 이르는 말. 기질의 성은 기(氣)에서 생기기 때문에, 기의 청탁(淸濁)·혼명(昏明)·후박(厚薄)에 의하여 성(性)에도 차별이 생겨 사람의 선악, 현우(賢愚)가 생긴다고 한다.

기질(器質) 품사 : 명사

1 기량과 타고난 성질.
2 [의학]생체 기관을 이루고 있는 조직의 본질.

cf. 기질-화 器質-化 |상위어 : 기질 | 품사 : 명사
[의학] 체외성(體外性) 물질이나 혈전(血栓) 따위 같은 생체 조직 내의 이물(異物)을 녹여 흡수하거나 배제하는 과정.

cf. 기질성 정신병 器質性 精神病 |상위어 : 정신병, 기질 |
[의학] 뇌의 기질 장애로 일어나는 정신병. 노인성 치매, 뇌매독, 만성 알코올 중독 따위가 있다.

.... 다음국어사전(국립국어원)

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

자료: 위키피디아, http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/제트_추진_연구소

제트 추진 연구소(영어: Jet Propulsion Laboratory; JPL)는 미국항공우주국(NASA)의 무인 탐사 우주선 등의 연구 개발 및 운용에 종사하는 연구소로, 미국 캘리포니아 주로스 엔젤레스 근처의 파사데나라 카냐다에 있다. 캘리포니아 공과대학에 의해 운영되고 있으며, 미국 항공우주국우주선들을 만들고 보수한다. 최근의 프로젝트로 토성에 보낸 카시니-하위헌스 호, 화성에 보낸 화성 정찰위성, 스피처 우주 망원경 등이 있다.

JPL의 우주선 관제소와 25피트 가진 우주 시뮬레이터는 역사적인 지표로 자리매김하고 있다.

개요 [편집]

JPL은 캘리포니아 공과대학교의 연구 기관으로, 제2차 세계 대전 기간에는 미국 육군으로부터 나치 독일이 개발한 V-2 로켓의 분석을 의뢰받아 그 연구 성과로부터 액체 연료 로켓·모터에 의해 추진되는 미국 첫 탄도 미사일, 코포럴 전술 지대지 유도 미사일(현대의 분류에서는 단거리 탄도 미사일)을 개발했다. 또, 코포럴을 대체한 고체 연료 로켓으로 추진되는 서전트 전술 지대지 미사일의 개발에도 참여했다.

1958년부터, NASA우주 개발 계획이나 우주 탐사 계획의 기술 개발에 종사하게 되어, 우주선이나 행성 탐사기의 설계 등 기술 부문을 담당하고 있다. 매우 높은 기술력을 바탕으로 미국우주 개발 계획들, 예를 들어 착륙선이나 화성 탐사선, 외행성 탐사선 등의 개발 등으로 크게 공헌하고 있다. 파이어니어보이저를 시작으로, 화성 탐사선 로버 스피릿·오퍼튜니티나, 토성 탐사선 카시니도 JPL에서 개발되었다. 또, 각 인공 위성/인공 행성/탐사선을 관리·운영하기 위한 태양계의 우주 네트워크도, 이 JPL에 귀속되고 있다.

주로 태양계 내의 천체를 위한 탐사선 등에 관한 연구·개발을 실시하고 있는데도 '제트 추진'이란 이름을 쓰고 는 것은, 설립 당초에는 제트 추진, 즉 로켓 추진에 관한 연구를 실시하고 있었기 때문이다. '제트 추진(Jet Propulsion)'이란, 기류의 반동에 의해서 추진되는 방식이기 때문에, 반적으로 로켓 엔진이나 제트 엔진도 포함된다. 또 JPL 설립 시기인 1930년대부터 1940년대초 무렵에, 미국이 구식 SF 만화인 「플래시 고든」이나 「벅 라저스」와 같은 픽션이나 만화 같은 이미지로 보여지지 않기 위해서 '로켓 추진 연구소'란 이름이 붙여지지 않았던 것이다. 로켓이라고 하는 단어가 로켓 불꽃 등 완구와 같은 이미지를 가져서, 그런 이미지로 보여지지 않기 위해서라고 하는 설도 있다. 덧붙여 JPL의 전신인 GALCIT 는, 미국 육군의 요청으로 현대에도 사용되고 있는 JATO(Jet Assisted Take-Off) 유닛(로켓 엔진의 추진력을 이용해 항공기의 이륙 거리를 짧게 하는 것)을 개발했지만, 이 요청을 최초로 받은 매사추세츠 공과대학교의 연구팀은 허무맹랑한 이야기라고 거절했다.