
2009년 10월 22일 목요일

Kleinwort, Benson: the history of two families in banking

제목 Kleinwort, Benson: the history of two families in banking
저자 Jehanne Wake
에디션 일러스트
발행인 Oxford University Press, 1997
ISBN 0198282990, 9780198282990
길이 514페이지

5. The Expansions of Kleiworts

The succeeding pairs of brothers who now directed Kleiwort, Sons & Co. and Robert Benson & Co. brought very dissimilar qualities and philosphies to the two partnerships. Their education, social position, and apprenticeships had little in common, not surprisingly, given the emphasis placed upon the German heritage of the Kleinwort sons. Considered by their fellow countrymen as Germans living in London, largely unassimilated into the national life of their father's adopted country, they moved in the circles of the cosmopolitan ^haute bourgeoisie^ of Europe. The Benson's sons, by contrast, were not only indigenous Englishmen, but they swiftly glided from their father's world of the well-to-do professional classes, which was so stalwart a feature of the mid-Victorian years to take their place as members of the ruling landed class.


Herman and Alexander were 4 and 2 years old respectively when their mother died in 1860. ......

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