
2009년 10월 5일 월요일

Dic: in the running, out of the running

  • Until this week he appeared to have ruled himself out of the running because of his age
  • A: Is Tom still in the running? Does he still have a chance to be elected? 
    B: I don't know about Tom, but Gladys is definitely still in the running
  • After the scandal was made public, I was out of the running. I pulled out of the election.

  1. PHRASE | If someone is in the running for something, they have a good chance of winning or obtaining it. If they are out of the running for something, they have no chance of winning or obtaining it. 
  2. in the running: Fig. in competition; competing and having a chance to win. 
  3. out of the running: Fig. no longer being considered; eliminated from a contest.

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