
2009년 7월 22일 수요일

in your blood, in the blood

8. PHRASE : oft v-link PHR
If a quality or talent is in your blood, it is part of your nature, and other members of your family have it too.
  • Diplomacy was in his blood: his ancestors had been feudal lords.
  • He has adventure in his blood.
.... Cobuild
in your blood:
as a basic part of your qualities or characteristics
  • She always seemed to be acting, but she had the theatre in her blood, and performing was as natural for her as breathing.
  • Related vocabulary: born to do something
... Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms

in the blood and in one's blood:
Fig. built into one's personality or character.
  • John's a great runner. It's in his blood.
  • The whole family is very athletic. It's in the blood.
.... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

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