
2009년 7월 21일 화요일

Dic: in time, given time, with time, (all) in good time

44. PHRASE : PHR after v, oft PHR for n, PHR to-inf
If you are in time for a particular event, you are not too late for it.
  • I arrived just in time for my flight to London.
cf[LDOCE: 21.a] in time: before the time by which it is necessary for something to be done:
  • Will you be able to finish it in time?
45. PHRASE : PHR with cl
If you say that something will happen in time or given time, you mean that it will happen eventually, when a lot of time has passed.
  • He would sort out his own problems, in time.
  • Tina believed that, given time, her business would become profitable.
cf[LDOCE: 21.b] in time: after a certain period of time, especially after a gradual process of change and development:
  • He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he will, in time.
cf[LDOCE: 24] with time/given time: after a period of time:
  • These symptoms will start to get better with time.
  • I would have thought of the answer, given time.
48. PHRASE : PHR after v, oft PHR for n
If you arrive somewhere in good time, you arrive early so that there is time to spare before a particular event.
  • If we're out, we always make sure we're home in good time for the programme.
49. PHRASE : PHR after v, PHR as reply
If you tell someone that something will happen in good time or all in good time, you are telling them to be patient because it will happen eventually.
  • There will be many advanced exercises that you won't be able to do at first. You will get to them in good time.
... Cobuild & Longman

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