
2009년 5월 20일 수요일

Hesiod's Theogony: an excerpt

(공)저: Hesiod, Glenn W. Most
번역자 Glenn W. Most
Edition: 3
출판사: Harvard University Press, 2006


...... It gnawed deeply at high-thundering Zeus' spirit and enraged his dear heart, when he saw the far-seen gleam of fire among human beings. Immediately he contrived an evil for human beings in exchange for fire. For the much-renowned Lame One(=Hephaestus) forged from earth the semblance of a reverend maiden by the plans of Cronus' son; and the goddess, bright-eyed Athena, girdled and adorned her with silvery clothing, and with her hands she hung a highly wrought veil from her head, a wonder to see; and around her head Pallas Athena placed freshly budding garlands that arouse desire, the flowers of the meadow; and around her head she placed a golden headband, which the much-renouned Lame One made himself, working it with his skilled hands, to do a favor for Zeus the father. On this were contrived many designs, highly wrought, a wonder to see, all the terrible monsters the land and the see nourich; he put many of these onto it, wondrous, similar to living animals endowed with speech, and gracegulness breathed upon them all.

Then, when he had contrived this beautiful evil thing in exchange for that good one(=fire), he led her out to where the other gods and the humanbeings were, while she exulted in the adornment of the mighty father's bright-eyed daughter(=Athena); and wonder gripped the immortal gods and the mortal human beings when they saw the steep deception, intractable for human beings. For from her comes the race of female women: for of her is the deadly race and tribe of women, a great woe for mortals, dwelling with men, no companions of baneful poverty but only of luxury. As wehn bees in vaulted beehives nourish the drones, partners in evil works--all day long until the sun goes down, every day, the bees hasten and set up the white honey-combs, while the drones remain inside among the vaulteed beehives and gather into their own stomachs the labor of others--in just the same way high-thundering Zeus set up women as an evil for mortal men, as partners in distressful works. And he bestows another evil thing in exchange for that good one: ....

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