
2009년 4월 13일 월요일

Dic: mark

9. N-COUNT : N of n/-ing
The mark of something is the characteristic feature that enables you to recognize it.
  • The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.  
  • =  sign   
10. N-SING : a N of n
If you say that a type of behaviour or an event is a mark of a particular quality, feeling, or situation, you mean it shows that that quality, feeling, or situation exists.
  • It was a mark of his unfamiliarity with Hollywood that he didn't understand that an agent was paid out of his client's share
  • =  indication, sign   

7(a). A distinctive trait or property: Good manners are the mark of a civilized person.
7(b). A lasting effect: The experience had left its mark.
7(c). Mark. A particular mode, brand, size, or quality of a product, especially a weapon or machine.
8. A recognized standard of quality: schoolwork that is not up to the mark.
9(a). Importance; prominence: "a fellow of no mark nor likelihood" Shakespeare.
9(b). Notice; attention: a matter unworthy of mark.


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