
2009년 4월 10일 금요일

Chinese cuisine names (중국 요리 명칭)

자료: Wikipedia, http://www.answers.com/topic/chinese-cuisine-names

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This is a list of Chinese cuisine names:

Thirteen Great Traditions- Regional Dishes

Anhui (Hui 徽)

  • Ginger Duck (simplified Chinese姜母鸭traditional Chinese姜母鸭pinyin: jiang muya)
  • Hay Wrapped Fragrant Ribs(simplified Chinese:稻香排骨traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: daoxiang paigu)
  • Caterpillar Fungus Duck(虫草炖老鸭)
  • Dry Pot Tofu (干锅素肉)
  • Potato Croquets (土豆炸饺)
  • Crab-apple Flower Cake (海棠酥)
  • Soy Braised Mandarin Fish (红烧臭鱖鱼)
  • Friend Tofu Balls (豆腐渣丸子)
  • Fried Pumpkin Dumplings (南瓜蒸饺)
  • Silver Fish Fried Egg (银鱼煎蛋)
  • 5 Colors Fish Cake (五彩鱼片)
  • Jade Rabbit Sea Cucumber (玉兔海参)
  • Flower Mushroom Frog (花菇田鸡)
  • Bright Pearl Abalone (明珠酥鲍)
  • Bagongshan Tofu (八公山豆腐)
  • Crab and Fish Stomachs (蟹连鱼肚)
  • Phoenix Tail Shrimp (凤尾虾排)
  • Fuli Roast Chicken (符离集烧鸡)
  • Lotus Seed Pod Fish (莲蓬鱼)
  • Cream FattyKingfish (奶汁肥王鱼)


  • Peking Duck (usually served with pancakes) (北京烤鸭)

Cantonese (Yue 粵)

  • Preserved-salted fish (鹹魚, Haam yu)
  • Preserved-salted duck (臘鴨, Laap ap)
  • Preserved-salted pork (臘肉, Laap yuk)
  • Chinese steamed eggs (蒸水蛋)
  • Rice congee (皮蛋粥)
  • Boiled bok choy with oyster sauce (蠔油小白菜)
  • Stir-fried vegetables with meat (e.g. chicken, duck, pork, beef, or intestines) (青菜炒肉片)
  • Steamed frog on lotus leaf (荷葉蒸田雞)
  • Zhaliang (炸兩)
  • Youtiao (油条)
  • Dace fishballs (鯪魚球)
  • Cantonese seafood soup
  • Winter melon soup (冬瓜湯)
  • Snow fungus soup (银耳湯)
  • Northeast watercress sparerib soup (南北杏西洋菜豬骨湯)
  • Old fire-cooked soups (老火湯, Lo foh tong)
  • Wonton noodle (雲吞麵)
  • Beef chow fun (乾炒牛河)
  • Shahe fen (沙河粉)
  • Char siu (叉烧)
  • Roast goose (燒鵝)
  • Roasted pig (燒肉)
  • White cut chicken (白切雞)
  • Orange cuttlefish (鹵水墨魚)
  • Brine-soaked duck (滷水鴨)
  • Soy sauce chicken (豉油雞, Si yau gai)
  • Little pan rice (煲仔飯, bou1 zai2 faan6)
  • Layered egg and beef over rice (窩蛋牛肉飯)
  • Layered steak over rice (肉餅煲仔飯)
  • Preserved chinese sausage over rice (蠟味煲仔飯)
  • Steamed chicken over rice (蒸雞肉煲仔飯)
  • Pork Spareribs over rice (排骨煲仔飯)
  • Crispy fried chicken
  • Seafood birdsnest
  • Suckling pig
  • Taro duck (陳皮芋頭鴨)
  • Roast young pigeon/squabs (烤乳鴿)
  • Sour sparerib (生炒排骨)
  • Salt and pepper rib (椒鹽骨)
  • Salt and pepper cuttlefish (椒鹽魷魚)
  • Salt and pepper shrimp (椒鹽蝦)
  • Red bean soup (紅豆砂)
  • Gou dim (糕點)
  • Shaved Ice (刨冰)
  • Deng egg (燉蛋)
  • Bao yu (燜鮑魚, Bao yu)
  • Shark fin soup (魚翅羹, Yu qi tong)
  • Hoi sam (海參, Hoi sam)
  • Bird's nest soup (燕窩, Yeen Waw)
  • Tea smoked duck (茶燻鴨)

Fujian (Min 闽)


Hunan (Xiang 湘)

Jiangsu(Su 苏 or Yang 揚)



  • xianbing 馅饼
  • niurougan 牛肉干

Shandong (Lu 魯)

Szechuan (Chuan 川)



  • Crossing the bridge noodles

Zhejiang (Zhe 浙)

댓글 1개:

  1. Hi there. From which words have you reached here? Is that tofu? I don't know what it is like. I had to verify some names of chinese cuisines in recent translating works.
