
2009년 3월 6일 금요일

Dic: suffuse

1. VERB If something, especially a colour or feeling, suffuses a person or thing, it gradually spreads over or through them.[ LITERARY ]
  • A dull red flush suffused Selby's face.

2. VERB If something such as a book, film, or piece of music is suffused with a quality, it is full of that quality.[ FORMAL ]
  • This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour.
..... Cobuild
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Synonyms: charge, imbue, impregnate, permeate, pervade, saturate, suffuse

These verbs mean to cause to be filled with a particular mood or tone
  • an atmosphere charged with excitement; 
  • poetry imbued with lyricism; 
  • a spirit impregnated with lofty ideals; 
  • optimism that permeates a group; 
  • letters pervaded with gloom; 
  • a play saturated with imagination; 
  • a heart suffused with love. 
See Also Synonyms at care.
.......  Am-Heritage

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