
2009년 2월 2일 월요일

Saint Gall

골 [Saint Gall]

550경 아일랜드~645경 스위스.

축일은 10월 16일.

아일랜드의 수사.

서유럽에 그리스도교를 소개하면서 아일랜드적 영향력을 퍼뜨리는 데 힘썼다.

다운 주(州)에 있는 뱅거 수도원에서 교육을 받은 뒤 성 콜룸바누스의 제자가 되었고 그와 함께 프랑스로 전도여행을 떠났다. 콜룸바누스가 이탈리아로 갔을 때, 그는 골 지방과 스위스 북부에 살던 게르만 민족인 반(半)이교도 알레마니족과 함께 있었다. 612년에는 지금의 스위스 장크트 갈렌이 있는 곳에 은둔처를 마련하였다. 성 골 대수도원은 720년경 골의 운둔처에 세워졌다. 골에 대해 가장 먼저 씌어진 전기는 8세기 것으로, 현재 그중 일부만이 전해진다. M. 조인트의 〈성 골의 생애 Life of St. Gall〉가 1927년에 나왔다.

The Abbey of St. Gall (GermanSankt Gallen) was for many centuries one of the chief Benedictine abbeys in Europe. It is located in the city of St. Gallen in present-day Switzerland. The Abbey has existed since 719 and became an independent principality during the 13th Century. It was founded by Saint Othmaron the spot where Saint Gall had erected his HermitageThe library at the Abbeyis one of the richest medieval libraries in the world[1]. Since 1983, it has been anUNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site.




Abbey of St. Gall

Around 613 an Irishman named Gallus, a disciple and companion of SaintColumbanus, established a hermitage on the site that would become the Abbey. He lived in his cell until his death in 646[2].

Following Gallus' death, Charles Martel appointed Othmar as a custodian of St Gall's relics. During the reign of Pepin the Short, in 719, Othmar founded the Abbey of St. Gall, where arts, letters and sciences flourished. Under AbbotWaldo of Reichenau (740-814) copying of manuscripts was undertaken and a famous library was gathered. Numerous Anglo-Saxon and Irish monks came to copy manuscripts. At Charlemagne's request Pope Adrian I sent distinguished chanters from Rome, who propagated the use of the Gregorian chant.

In the subsequent century, St. Gall came into conflict with the nearby Bishopric of Constance which had recently acquired jurisdiction over the Abbey ofReichenau on Lake Constance. It wasn't until King Louis the Pious (ruled 814-840) confirmed the independence of the Abbey, that this conflict ceased[2]. From this time until the 10th Century, the Abbey flourished. It was home to several famous scholars, including Notker of LiègeNotker the StammererNotker Labeoand Hartker (who developed the Antiphonal liturgical books for the Abbey). During the 9th Century a new, larger church was built and the library was expanded. Manuscripts on a wide variety of topics were purchased by the Abbey and copies were made. Over 400 manuscripts from this time have survived and are still in the library today[2]. ......


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