
2008년 12월 6일 토요일

toll, take a toll, toll inflation

[1] toll: An amount or extent of loss or destruction, as of life, health, or property: 
  • “Poverty and inadequate health care take their toll on the quality of a community's health” (Los Angeles Times).
  • 자료: http://www.answers.com/toll
[2] take a(or its) toll : to have a severe and damaging effect: 
[3] toll inflation: 

(ex) 13 June 2008. Source: MarketWatch

LONDON - Don’t look to this weekend’s meeting of G8 finance ministers to come up with a solution to runaway commodity prices and surging inflation. But don’t be surprised if there’s some tough, but limited, talk about the desirability of a stronger U.S. dollar, economists said.

With oil not far off its recently established record near $140 a barrel and corn prices surging to new all-time highs, officials have signaled they will focus on the toll inflation pressures are taking on consumers and the economy.
(ex) Despite the recuperate in December, the Halifax figures exhibit a start in concern toll inflation to 5.6%. This effectuation that the cipher concern toll accumulated by £11,759 in 2007, to meet beneath £200,000. - £197,031
This is digit of the slowest rates of concern toll inflation for individual years; it is beneath the daylong constituent concern toll inflation cipher of 8%. In the time decennium concern toll inflation has been modify more extreme. - In the time 10 eld alone, concern prices hit accumulated by 187%

Why do House Price so Frequently Rise faster than Inflation?....
(ex) Last update: 9:27 p.m. EST March 3, 2004

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Federal Reserve Governor Ben Bernanke says rising U.S. consumer prices can still be "consistent with continuing low inflation."
The good governor obviously hasn't pumped gas in San Francisco, where regular unleaded averages $2.15 a gallon, up 31 cents in three weeks. Consistency indeed.
With inflation at 40-year lows, the visibly rising costs of daily life -- housing, groceries, health care, insurance, driving -- become all the more nettlesome. Yes, we have no inflation, except apparently where it counts.
Dust off those faded 1970s "WIN" buttons, but not to echo the fervent call to "Whip Inflation Now." This time, it's "Whiff of Inflation Now" -- a wake-up to a generation inexperienced with the punishing toll inflation can take on personal savings and wealth.

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