
2009년 5월 22일 금요일


artisan, artisanne (French):
I.− Subst. masc.(A). Personne exerçant, pour son propre compte, un art mécanique ou un métier manuel qui exige une certaine qualification professionnelle: (예문 생략)

  • 2. Oppos. artisan/artiste. : Les deux mots [artisan et artiste] ont été synon. jusqu'à la fin du xviie s. (17세기 말까지 artisan과 artiste는 동의어였다);

    de nos jours, artiste appliqué à celui qui pratique un métier manuel est un compliment, parfois ironique : Artiste capillaire.`` (Bénac 1956). De même, artisan qualifiant un peintre, un sculpteur, un musicien, peut avoir une valeur dépréc. (cf. artiste) : vers d'artisan-poète (L. Veuillot, Les Odeurs de Paris, 1866, p. 91).
(B:  Au fig.) 1. Celui qui réalise une chose (souvent avec une idée de patience, de minutie, de dextérité); auteur d'une chose : ...
− Plus rarement (avec une nuance dépréc.). Celui qui provoque quelque chose, qui est la cause de quelque chose : ...
2. Artisan de la parole, artisan de mots (Benda, La France byzantine, 1945, p. 166), artisan du verbe (Béguin, L'Âme romantique et le rêve, 1939, p. 381), artisan d'idées (Valéry, Regards sur le monde actuel, 1931, p. 210). Celui qui sait manier les mots, les idées, qui en possède les techniques, qui sait les agencer, les rapprocher habilement, les ordonner avec minutie.

cf. artisanal: (adj. artisanal, artisanale, artisanaux).
  1. Propre à l'artisan, à l'artisanat (par opp. à industriel): Exercer un métier artisanal. Un fromage artisanal
  2. Qui est fait manuellement ou avec des moyens rudimentaires: Production artisanale de tommettes.

artisan (English):
  1. [AmH] A skilled manual worker; a craftsperson.
  2. [Cobuild] [N-COUNT] An artisan is someone whose job requires skill with their hands. = craftsman 

A Cameroonian artisan at work

An artisan is a skilled manual worker who crafts items that may be functional or strictly decorative, including furniture, clothing, jewelry, household items, and tools. The term can also be used as an adjective to refer to the craft of hand making food products, such as breadbeverages and cheese.

Manufacture by hand and with hand tools imparts unique and individual qualities to artisanal products, in contrast to mass produced goods where every one is nearly identical. Artisans traditionally work in media such as woodceramicsglasscommon and precious metals,basketrytextiles, and leather.

[edit]Artisan origins

Artisans were the dominant producers of goods before the Industrial Revolution. According to Classical economics theory, the division of labor occurs with internal market development (Adam Smith). However, according to economist John Hicksmerchants and artisans originated as servants to the rulers, which occurred much earlier. Artisans employ creative thinking and manual dexterity to produce their goods.

[edit]Medieval Artisans

During the Middle Ages the term "artisan" was applied to those who made things or provided services. It did not apply to unskilled laborers. Artisans were divided into two distinct groups: those who operated their own business, and those who did not. 

  • Those who owned their businesses were called masters
  • while the latter were the journeymen and apprentices
One misunderstanding many people have about this social group is that they picture them as "workers" in the modern sense: employed by someone. The most influential group among the artisans were the masters, the business owners. The owners enjoyed a higher social status in their communities.[1]

[edit]Artisan jewelry

An artisan computer maker at work outside of his shop in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Artisan jewelry dates back as far as 7000 BC, when gold and copper began to be sculpted to adorn the human form, and the practice continues today. Although rarely price-competitive with machine-made items, artisan handmade jewelry is prized for its uniqueness, variety, and beauty. Reflecting the talents of the artisan onto the wearer, the broad spectrum of artisan jewelry is available to provide satisfaction to royalty, rock stars, and "everyday folk." Thousands of jewelry artisans exist around the globe. Some fine examples of artisan jewelry can be seen at museums.[2].

[edit]Quilt artisans

Quilt-maker artisans are called quilters. These artisans are mostly women who make quilts especially in their houses. Quilt making is traditional folk art worldwide, including south Asiawhere their traditional quilts are called Ralli quilts.


  1. ^ History of Western Civilization, Boise State University http://history.boisestate.edu/westciv/medsoc/23.shtml
  2. ^ The Metropolitan Museum http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/ajew/hd_ajew.htm]

[edit]See also

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