
2008년 8월 1일 금요일

SSRN-We Don't Quite Know What We are Talking About When We Talk About Volatility by Daniel Goldstein, Nassim Taleb(March 28, 2007)

SSRN-We Don't Quite Know What We are Talking About When We Talk About Volatility:

Daniel G. Goldstein
London Business School

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
London Business School

March 28, 2007

Finance professionals, who are regularly exposed to notions of volatility, seem to confuse mean absolute deviation with standard deviation, causing an underestimation of 25% with theoretical Gaussian variables. In some fat tailed markets the underestimation can be up to 90%. The mental substitution of the two measures is consequential for decision making and the perception of market variability."

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