
2008년 8월 9일 토요일

leave no stone unturned

Idiom: leave no stone unturned:

Make every possible effort, use every possible source or resource. For example, "To raise ten thousand dollars to keep the shelter open, we must leave no stone unturned."
This expression alludes to an ancient Greek legend about a general who buried a large treasure in his tent when he was defeated in battle. Those seeking the treasure consulted the Oracle of Delphi, who advised them to move every stone. The present form dates from the mid-1500s."

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(Phrase Finder) Re: I'm not going to leave any stone unturned
Posted by David FG on February 26, 2005

In Reply to: Re: I'm not going to leave any stone unturned posted by Smokey Stover on February 26, 2005

: : : What does it mean "I'm not going to allow any stone unturned"?
: : : Thanks: : : Ish

: : The expression is "leave no stone unturned." "I'll leave no stone unturned." Meaning the person is going to look everywhere, turn over every rock. The meaning has broadened to mean: I will do everything in my power.

: You might like to know that there is a shore bird called the "turnstone." He turns stones, looking for edibles underneath. Actually, the one I'm familiar with is called a "ruddy turnstone." SS


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