1. district priorities (eliminating a particular socioeconomic imbalance, for instance) ...
https://www2.ed.gov/admins/comm/choice/magnet/report_pg7.html2. district's priorities
Goal 2: The superintendent will align the District's priorities and resources through a community-involved planning process implemented through focused action plans with regular progress reports.
3. district's priorities for student assignment
People understood the problems associated with concentrating "under-served" students in the same school, but they also pointed to the challenges of both achieving and supporting diversity at school sites. Parents noted that schools that are currently academically and ethnically diverse struggle to serve the complex needs of their students. Most participants questioned whether any of the options would achieve this goal and asked why the district's priorities for student assignment did not address improving schools.
4. District Priorities
.... district leaders can turn federal grant budgets into a much more powerful tool for student achievement and use them to help fund many of the district's strategic priorities. ....
The complexity, silo-like management, and relative lack of visibility can lead to federal dollars being used well from a legal standpoint, but not from a strategic standpoint. Many districts have a wide range of grant-specific programs in place that are not as connected to one another, or to ^district priorities^, as they would be if the funding strategies were managed centrally by leaders charged with comprehensive district improvement. ...
Each major grant program is typically run by a separate manager, and as a result, it is difficult for many managers to resist "silo thinking." They lose the capacity to see or value a tight connection between "my grant program" and "the district priorities." The "silo thinking" is exacerbated by their sense of responsibility to ensure that "their grant program" complies with all federal and state requirements, including "allowable use" of funds, "maintenance of efforts," "supplement, not supplant," and reporting.
IDEA, the federal grant related to special education, offers districts several opportunities to integrate, coordinate, and align grant activities with district priorities:
5. district priorities:
... Non-autonomous principals reported a misalignment between school and district priorities and limited district support for improving school functioning.
6. Shifting Resources Strategically to Fund District Priorities
Collecting more detailed and better data than is typically collected during budget planning can reveal a surprising amount of resources for free up for district priorities. ....
This was the case for a district with around 5,000 students. Targets for staffing and class size were established, and most schools were living within these targets. Over time, however, student enrollment had shifted at certain schools and in certain grades, but staffing had remained fairly constant. When students moved, the schools they left did not adjust their staffing, but the schools to which the students moved were allocated more staff. Then when the district leaders reviewed staffing each year, they looked at the district's average class size, which appeared to be well within their class-size targets. Even the average across each school indicated the schools were operating within district targets. Only when district leaders looked at class sizes room by room, grade by grade, and school by school did they identify specific grades at specific schools that were well outside the targets. Even though these accounted for less than 10% of all classrooms in the district, adjustments to these resulted in savings of almost $500,000 which was then redirected toward other district priorities. This example highlights the importance of analyzing the data on a more granular level. It also demonstrates that opportunities can be found even in a tightly managed district, and that sizeable savings can result from relatively small adjustments. ... https://www.dmgroupk12.com/docmanlinks/5-dmj-18-shifting-resources-strategically-to-fund-district-priorities/file