자료: 최동석 경영연구소, http://mindprogram.co.kr/182
※ 메모:
2차 세계대전 후에 나타난 이러한 계량화 대세에 저항했던 인물이 있었는데, 그가 바로 피터 드러커였다. 불세출의 명저 <경영의 실제The Practice of Management>를 저술했다. 그 중에서도 가장 중요한 개념은 <목표와 자율통제에 의한 관리Management by Objectives and Self-Control>이다.
(1) a person who draws plans of structures or machinery
(2) a person who draws up legal documents, speeches, etc.
(3) an artist skillful in drawing
※ ‘-십사’는 받침 없는 동사의 어간 뒤에, ‘-으십사’는 받침 있는 동사의 어간 뒤에 쓰임.
It seems a dedicated employee always puts in a few extra minutes here and there based on need and their own personal dedication to her job. I then get concerned about the extra pay, etc.and have no real way to track. I felt a salary alleviate this. I was looking to have it be a little more than normal and add health insurance. I hadn't had a salaried employee before and wondered if there are things I should consider first. Basically, she would be moved to a managing then position. Thoughts?
first make sure their job classification justifies being labeled as 'salaried'. There are restrictions on who can and cannot be classified as salaried (otherwise everyone would be considered salary and the company would never have to pay overtime). Since you say they will be moved to a manager position, you should be ok to do that.next realize that by moving them to salaried, they are not eligible for overtime. So if they work a lot of OT, they may not like being salaried. But on the flipside, you should realize that as a salaried employee they also get paid the same no matter what. So if they only work 7 hours insteat of 8, they still get paid the same. So it works both ways.Other than that, there's really not a whole lot else to consider. The biggest issue will be lack of overtime pay...you say they work extra and you're concerned about extra pay. Unless you increase their pay when you do this, they may end up making less money since they won't get any overtime.