
2012년 11월 30일 금요일

Dic: do the trick

■ do the trick: informal. to produce the right or desired result

■ If something does the trick, it achieves what you wanted. (INFORMAL)
  • Sometimes a few choice words will do the trick.
■ do the trick: (spoken) if something does the trick, it solves a problem or provides what is needed to get a good result
  • A bit more flour should do the trick.
..... Collins, Cobuild, etc.

2012년 11월 27일 화요일

Dic: have it so good

to have so many benefits, esp material benefits.

See have (sense 31)
  • Our parents did not have it so good and neither will our children. (TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES, 2001)
  • That Governor might as well have said: `We are not going to have it so good. (TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES, 2004)

2012년 11월 26일 월요일

Dic: score with someone, score points with someone

■ [score points] informal. △to do or say something to please someone or to make them respect you.
  • [score points with] You'll score points with your girlfriend if you send her roses.
■ [idiom] score points (with someone): △to please someone, or make them like you.
  • Coming late to work won't score points with the boss.
■ score with (someone or a group): Informal. △to please someone or a group.
  • Her rendition of "Old Kentucky Home" really scored with the audience. 
  • You really score with me.
■ score points: to do something that will make people like you
  • I don't think you'll score any points with your clients if you don't return their calls. 
  • Some reporters are so unpopular that politicians can score points by attacking them.
■ to achieve (success or an advantage) : ex) your idea really scored with the boss

.... LDOCE, OALD, McGraw-Hill Idioms, Cambridge Idioms, Collins

2012년 11월 19일 월요일

Dic: none the + worse/better/richer, etc.

  • You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances... 
  • He became convinced that his illness was purely imaginary: that made it none the better.
  • Small investors like myself are probably none the richer after handing over their financial affairs to professional advisers.
  • Luckily, the horse seemed none the worse for his fall.
* * *

△You use none the to say that someone or something does not have any more of a particular quality than they did before.(= no)

△none the worse/better/richer, etc. : not any worse/better/richer, etc. than before.


2012년 11월 18일 일요일

Dic: go the distance, last the distance

■ go the distance:
  1. [boxing] to complete a bout without being knocked out
  2. to be able to complete an assigned task or responsibility
■ go the distance: to manage to continue until the end of a competition

■ go the distance: to continue doing something until it is successfully completed.
  • The pitcher went the distance and has now won eight games in a row. 
  • The project would be difficult, but I agreed I would go the distance.
.... Collins, CALD, Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms 

■ distance:
 5. (a) aesthetic distance
 5. (b) capacity to observe dispassionately
go the distance (also last the distance): to complete a course of action

2012년 11월 11일 일요일

Dic: sensitivity (its regular meaning)

1. [understanding people] the ability to understand other people's feelings and problems
  • His comments show a lack of sensitivity. 
  • Interviewing victims of crime must be done with sensitivity.
  • a teacher with great sensitivity 
  • [sensitivity to] She has always shown a sensitivity to audience needs and tastes.
...... LDOCE

■ sensitive:

If you are sensitive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them.
  • The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs...
  • He was always so sensitive and caring.
sensitively: ADV.
  • The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.
sensitivity: N-UNCOUNT. oft N for n.
  • A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings.

[펌] 말(horse)에 관한 말들

출처: http://blog.daum.net/yuncs92121/8714135
자료 속 언급된 출처: 말의 관찰-한국마사회

※ 발췌:


노역용이나 단순한 승용마를 지칭하는 이 말은 프랑스어에서 유래하였다.
프랑스어인 ‘해키니(Haquenee)'는 측대보로 걷는 말을 의미하며 주로 여성들이 사용하였다.
이런 형태의 동물은 종종 마차를 끄는데 사용되었으며 과도한 노역에 동원되었다.
이에 따라 ’진부한 문구(hackneyed phrase)', '진부한 작가(hack writer)' 등의 용어로 오늘날에 등장한다.

통상적으로 ‘hack'은 사냥, 전쟁 혹은 다른 전문적인 활동에는 적합지 않은 보통 수준의 말을 의미했다.

-6. an old tired horse
-7. a horse you can pay money to ride on
-8. BrE a ride on a horse: a long hack across the fields

....... LDOCE